Monday, January 30, 2012

Washington and Jefferson Undergraduate Conference

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Washington and Jefferson College Washington, Pennsylvania

Papers in any subfield of philosophy are welcome. All submissions should be 1500-3000 words in length and be readable in 15-20 minutes. Please prepare papers for blind review by striking all references to the author’s name or other identifying features in the manuscript and include all contact information as a separate file.

Only papers submitted for undergraduate coursework are eligible for submission. Please include contact information for a faculty sponsor to confirm that the paper was written for a class.
Please submit all papers electronically directly to Michael P. Wolf ( in either .doc, .docx, .rtf. or .pdf format.

Submission Deadline: February 17, 2012
Lunch and dinner will be provided for all students involved in the conference. We will also provide overnight accommodation for conference participants who need it.
The Washington and Jefferson Undergraduate Philosophy Conference is coordinated by the PA-Zeta Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau and the Washington and Jefferson Philosophy Club. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lunch Chat: Good without God? (2/2)

Lunch chats continues this week — again merging pizza and deep philosophical chitchat, nourishing brain and body alike. Stop by on Thursday, February 2nd at noon in 62 Coleman Hall. Our topic will be whether atheists can make sense of morality or whether theists have an inherent philosophical advantage there. Suggested reading is Louise Anthony's Stone column, "Good Minus God?"

Please feel free to leave a comment on any of these posts if you have a request for a particular topic you'd like to see considered in a future lunch chat.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lunch Chats Return for Spring 2012!

Philosophy Lunch Chats are back starting this week — and now with pizza! As we begin a new term, I thought it'd be appropriate to read and discuss Gary Gutting's recent "Stone" column  "What is College For?".

We'll talk about this on Thursday the 26th at noon in the philosophy lounge (Coleman 62). Copies of the reading will be outside of my office (Coleman 61) as usual and made available at the lunch.

You might also be interested in looking at the provocative follow-up  Professor Gutting posted in response to many reader comments.

Hope to see you there. Stay tuned for more chats and upcoming events.